Prostitution Defense Attorneys in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California
Prostitution is viewed by the legal system as a grossly amoral act and, accordingly, has made it a priority to stop its occurrence.
Regardless of popular lore, prostitution is legal only a handful of counties in the United States. In almost all cases, exchanging money for sexual acts is illegal.
Since prostitution is illegal in all instances, prostitutes and their clients are not readily identified. The difficulty in spotting those who engage in prostitution leads law enforcement to conduct sting operations. Both the prostitute and the client are targeted in these busts.
For the prostitute, the charge of offering sex acts for money is the crime. For the client, it is the crime of solicitation of sex acts for money. In either case, both the prostitute and the client are dealt with severely. Hakimfar Law diligently works to have the charges dismissed or lowered.
Charges of prostitution are often made public and reach across all sections of society. It is important to quickly and effectively counter these claims to protect your reputation – and your rights. Often, you may lose your job if it requires a professional license or security clearance. Further damage stemming from the charge can include loss of clients, registration as a sex offender (in certain cases) and undue scrutiny of personal records.
The very nature of the undercover police sting makes the charges against both parties complicated and intimidating. The moral aspect of the crime often makes those involved ashamed to defend themselves. Hakimfar Law will not only actively defend you; we will also listen to you without judgment or prejudice.
Looking for a Prostitution Defense Attorney?
If you or a loved one has been charged with a criminal offense, we urge you to call us at Hakimfar Law today to talk to an experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer. We are here to help you resolve the charges you are facing so that you can put your legal issues behind you and get on with your life.
Contact us for a free case consultation by email or at our Los Angeles office toll free at (800) 276-6666. We handle criminal defense & prostitution defense cases throughout Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, and surrounding areas and throughout the state of California.
Hakimfar Law
8746 Holloway Drive
West Hollywood, CA 90069
310.730.1250 phone
800.276.6666 toll-free
310.730.1252 fax
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